Curtea de Arges

We were going to take the train to Bucharest today, but heard there was going to be a rock concert tonight in the stadium right by our hotel. Since we did not know how much there is to do in Bucharest we decided to stay in this little town. We walked around again in the heat and finally stopped for a drink at our hotel. They have “coolers” – 1/2 beer and 1/2 lemonade – sounds awful, but quite refreshing and low in alcohol. See pic.

About 6pm we walked to the stadium to see what was going on. It was so hot not much was happening so we returned to our hotel for dinner. The concert/fair had tons of food, but it is all sausages and heavy meals. It is just too hot to eat all of that. At the hotel I had chicken schnitzel and cucumber and garlic salad. Marsha had mushrooms and a tomato and cucumber salad. Stephanie had a pizza.



About 8pm we went back to the stadium. There was a lot more activity and it was much, much cooler. We watched the first performer and decided to listen to the rest from our hotel room window. I think this constant heat is draining. We are hoping for a cool front to move thru. Tomorrow we will go to Bucharest.



Almost forgot – while we were walking to the stadium we were stopped by a girl taking a survey for Ursus Cooler, which is the drink we like. Of course she couldn’t speak English, but no matter we signed her form, told her how much we liked the cooler and she gave us a free can.

3 thoughts on “Curtea de Arges

  1. Steven ellmer

    Food, food, food, train , food,walk ,train, walk, food. Just joking. Love the pics. You must be having a great time.

  2. Laurie

    OK so funny story. You have inspired me. When we travel we usually look for some DDD restaurants but I’m careful because I’m not too adventuresome with my food. Well found a Bulgarian restaurant where we are flying into Tuesday so we are going there and I’m going to be courageous. I think I been seeing too many of your pictures and the food looks so good! We are getting ready to head out on vacation so might not be able to check your adventures too much for couple weeks. Hope it cools off for you soon. It really hot here at home and we looking forward to cooler where we going. High 70’s low 80’s. I’m excited!! Take care and keep on enjoying the adventure.

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