Keukenhof Gardens

Today was an early trip to Keukenhof Gardens. The weather has been beautiful. It has been near 70 for the last few days and everyone is outside. The tulips are beginning to bloom and the fields are amazing. I took lots of pics with more on my camera. While we were in Keukenhof I ran into a couple of wolves – see pic. We got back to the ship and ate lunch (of course). Then Marsha and I headed into Amsterdam to find a post office to mail a package to Germany. We are now very good in post offices, but as usual the staff was very helpful. Tonight is our last night and we are going out at 8:30 to see the nightlife in Amsterdam. Our suitcases need to be outside our door at 5:45am and we need to be on our way to the airport by 6:15am. Will let you know about the nightlife later.





