Krakow – Wednesday 7-24-13

We arrived in Krakow at 6:30am. We needed to find our hotel and get some Czech money. We went to the tourist info booth and they gave us bus directions, but we needed local money to get a ticket. We found an exchange place and got some money then we headed to the bus stop to buy a ticket from an automated ticket booth. A man from Canada helped us and with tickets in hand we boarded the bus. While on the bus a woman told us we were going in the wrong direction so we got off and crossed the street to get the bus in the other direction. In Krakow you need to run thru traffic to catch a bus which makes this really interesting. We decided we had initially been going in the right direction so back across the street we went and got back on a bus going in the original direction. Finally we found our hotel and since it was early asked them to keep our luggage until we could get into our room and we headed on foot to the old city of Krakow. Krakow is a very pretty city and we headed across town to see the castle – see pics of and from castle-



We toured the castle – no pics allowed of course- and then we walked the entire old city. We stopped at a chocolate shop and decided to take a break – see pics – a delicious break it was. Then we continued walking some more – as I said Krakow is very pretty and has nice city parks. We decided to have dinner before we returned to the hotel. We just walk along and read menus until we find a place we like. We saw a restaurant down an alley and liked the menu so we stayed for dinner. No one spoke English or any other language except Polish (there are many German tourists here). It seemed very much for locals. Marsha had pierogis and I had potato pancakes with au shroom sauce. It is late again and we have to be up early.




One thought on “Krakow – Wednesday 7-24-13

  1. Jeanie Christy

    Sounds like you are having a wonderful time! So glad you are enjoying yourself. Everything is fine around here. Very hot and humid, it has rained almost everyday. I do have to say though that “lard and lard cinders” does not sound very good!

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