Last Day in Japan

i am sitting in the Haneda Airport in Tokyo waiting to board our flight.  The flight leaves on the 3oth from Tokyo and we land in LA on the 29th.  I’m tired and confused.  Let me start at the beginning of the day.  Woke up to cold and rain.  We had planned on going to a park to see some cherry blossoms but scratched that idea due to weather.  We took our time getting ready since the plan was to go to the train station, but the bullet train didn’t leave until 3:30pm so we had plenty of time to kill.  The train station is huge with plenty of shops do there was enough to look at.  The first order of business was breakfast.  We found the Jim Beam cafe and they had breakfast.  I had a ham and cheese on toasted bread with potato salad and coffee. Marsha had the egg and cheese on toast with potato salad and tea.  Believe it or not breakfast was really good.  We then walked around the station for a while and then settled in for the long wait.  In the afternoon we went back to the Jim Beam Cafe for a Jim Beam orange cocktail and a Jim Beam grapefruit cocktail.  We ordered appetizers of white asparagus and oranges and pickled daikon radish and cream cheese.  Needless to say all was good.  Finally time to get on the bullet train.  It took us 2 1/2 hous to go from Osaka to Tokyo.  We stopped at the train station and had to find the subway to the airport.  Obviously we managed well since we are here.  A lady on the subway saw our suitcases and told us which stop was ours.  I thought that was really nice.  The Haneda airport is traveler friendly.  There are shops and the also had a karaoke band playing.  See pic.  I really enjoyed Japan even though the cherry blossoms were not in bloom.  I’ll really miss the toilets (mine doesn’t play music or wash my heine) and bathrooms.  However it is hard to describe the sea of people we had to wade through every day.  I’ll finish this in LA and send it.  We are now in LA and we took a shuttle to the Westin Hotel for a welcome back party for us.

Drinks at the Westin after we landed in LA.

One thought on “Last Day in Japan

  1. Shirley

    I remember Superman doing that. In fact he could arrive several days before he left. You’ve got to try harder.

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