
Today not much to do in Carcasonne. Do we did a other bus trip. The last bus trip was on a city bus. This bus was like a tour bus. We had to buy tickets at the train station and board the bus there. We went 25km to Limoux. It was cold and windy, and I mean cold. Limoux is pretty, but there was nothing going on there either. See picture of bridge in town. We went to a restaurant and had a kir royal to warm up. The bus ride was an event in itself. Small winding roads, hairpin turns and a bus driver who speeds plus oncoming traffic. No need for a thrill ride, this was one. Southern France is beautiful. Returned to Carcassone and had dinner. I had “tartiflette au reblochon” we need to get some sleep – early morning and train trip to Paris.




2 thoughts on “Limoux

  1. Joseph Ellmer

    Great shot of the bridge. Pro’s would envy that.
    Could not make out what was in the bowl, but I know it wasn’t a hot dog or hamburger. And, yes, from ancient history, my experience in France and Spain that the cognac was cheaper than the Coke. If you don’t mind, I going to give the blog address to Anna’s mother, Joyce. She is interested in your travellog.

  2. Laurie

    OMG you look like your having the time of your life. Really experiencing the local culture. I love that. I would have enjoyed the chocolate bar. 🙂 Not too sure on the other food items. Keep on enjoying. I check on you almost every day to see what your up too. Later. I’m looking forward to Paris…..

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