Tokyo tour – Day 1

We spent the night at the hotel at the Narita Airport.  We had a huge breakfast buffet again.  All kinds of Japanese vegetables, egg drop soup, udon noodles, bacon, eggs and more.  All great food. Met our tour guide at 8am and boarded the bus for the day’s adventure. First stop was the Imperial Palace.  We stopped for photos and then back on the bus and on to the National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation. Great museum even though everything was in Japanese.   The toilets at the museum have a button for music and it plays the sound of a toilet flushing.  These toilets are all high tech and all different that is why I  am taking so many pictures of them.

Next was lunch – sukiyaki-  there are pics and it was wonderful.  The restaurant was in a mall so of course there was some shopping involved.  Then back on the bus to the UenoPark to see cherry blossoms.  The trees are budding, but not yet blooming and it is very chilly.  We are hopeful they will bloom in a few days.  While in the park we were invited to attend something by women wearing kimonos.   See pic. We think it was for the Musem of Western Art.  The women invited us to sit and gave us a little cake.  See pic of half eaten cakes. Marsha went to take pics and the woman came and handed me a bowl of kelp tea.  I took a sip and it was awful and disgusting.  However to be polite I drank all of the tea(yuk).  The little cake was good and we discovered it was filled with red bean paste.  It was nice to see a group of ordinary women in their kimonos.  

We then went to the Asakusa Sensoji Temple to see the largest paper lantern.  We said a prayer in the Buddhist Temple and walked through a street mall to the largest paper lantern. We saw rickshaws by the temple and people were riding in them. It was windy and cold but on we went to Tokyo Tower.  It is similar to the Eiffel Tower in looks.  We went to the observation deck for picks.  Marsha and I took a selfie because we took a selfie on the Eiffel Tower.  Then back on the bus to check into our hotel for the night.  Once we settled in our room we went out looking for food.  We had a nice meal and by this time-10pm- we were tired.  We returned to our room for a goodnights sleep since we are going to Mt Fuji tomorrow.  I am writing this in the bus since I was too tired last night.











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