Wilmington to Williamsburg 

On the road again!!!  Taking scenic route 17.  Today it was great road with not many small towns.  Today was my day to choose where we would eat.  By 1:30 prospects were looking grim in the food department.  I made the suggestion that perhaps we should stop at a fast food joint to stretch out legs and have a snack and I would pick a place in Williamsburg.  We all agreed, but as luck would have it we made a wrong turn into Edenton.  Cute, quaint little town with one eatery open.  Of course we went in.  The place was a delight.  It was run by 2 gay guys who made fresh sandwiches on homemade bread.   I remembered to take pics today since I fell down on that job yesterday.  Food was great! Then back in the car to continue to Willismsburg.  Today was mostly a travel day. But I can tell you all of the azaleas and dogwoods along the route were gorgeous.  As we neared Norfolk it started to rain and the temperature dropped.  We arrived at Beverly’s time share at about 5:30pm.  It was rainy and cold.  The place is fantastic.  We decided to stay in for the night.  Don’t worry- if an army travels in it’s stomach we have the situation covered.  I’ve included a picture of us having happy hour.  We are now in our Jammie’s watching TV.  Just chilling until we do Colonial Williamsburg tomorrow (hopefully the weather will cooperate)