
In the morning we went to the resort office where we purchased discount tickets to Colonial Williamsburg that would give us access to all of the buildings.Back in the car and off we went to be tourists.  The entire area around Colonial Williamsburg is historic.  We started with a tour of the Palace and palace gardens.  The tulips were in full bloom and absolutely beautiful. There is a picture of the rest of the Palace and garden. 


We toured one if the homes next and since we didn’t have breakfast food was next on the agenda.  I ordered a flight of local beers and everyone had a different drink. I had the Welsh Rarebit with s side if Virginia ham.  All very good.  I took pics of the menu and beer selections. Beverly ordered the sampler of soups plus there was a musician to serenade us. 


We toured other homes- one had a basket making demo and another had a blacksmith. We also toured City Hall, reconstructed to replicate the original.  We also toured the jail. 


We then drove around Willismsburg since we are unfamiliar with the area.  We decided to go to a supermarket and pick up some things for dinner.  Since we were not hungry we thought about 9 or 10 we would want food, and thought a grocery store would be the perfect solution.  Beverly and I have to be up early tomorrow to attend a presentation sponsored by the resort so we were in for the night about 7:30.