London – Day 3

We are still running all over London. Today the weather was beautiful. We first went to the Royal Mews at Buckingham Palace. We picked out our carriages (see pictures). Then to Buckingham Palace to see the changing of the guard. Notice the crowds. See picture of Marsha and Barbara. Then we walked to Trafalger Square where there was a gay pride event going on with bands and all kinds of events. We met Marsha’s friend Suzanne at Trafalger Square and we walked to Coventry Garden for coffee. Suzanne is a great London tour guide and we had a nice visit. Marsha and I then hopped a bus to St Paul’s Cathedral. The Cathedral closed early because of a wedding being held there. So we walked to Kensington Palace and did that tour. See picture. After Kensington Palace we walked thru Kensington Gardens and Hyde Park to Harrods. Harrods has a “food court”. In reality it is a giant gourmet Mecca. It is worth going there just to see the all the great food and wine from all over the world. The cheeses (Stilton & Gorgonzola) I thought were very reasonably priced. The chocolates and cakes and breads looked out of this world. Mind you this “food court” is huge. No pictures allowed of the food cases. By this time we were hungry so off to dinner we went. Italian again. See picture of appetizer. Again we were to hungry and started eating before I took a picture. I have to also mention the London Underground (subway) really is very far beneath the surface. Some of the tube stops have lifts to take every one up several levels and at others there are escalators that are 2 to 3 stories tall and you need to take 2 of them. That does not include stairs. We made it home early tonight. I’m writing this at 10:30pm. I love seeing all your comments. Tomorrow we are off to Belgium on the Eurostar again.




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