Athens – Day 6

We slept in after 2 long days of touristing. But after we got ready we went to see more ancient ruins in Athens. – see pics of Hadrian’s Arch and the Temple of Zeus.


We also went to see the Olympic Stadium and Hadrian’s Library (pics on my camera). Then we went to the wine shop because Marsha needed a gift for a friend in Italy. While we were there we had a cold drink. See pic of Marsha in her newly purchased Greek hat.

We then walked around some more – I should say it is still very hot here. We stumbled upon a Greek celebration. The celebration was for the full moon in August. See pics.


We then went to have dinner at a rooftop restaurant with a great view of the Acropolis. We had an appetizer plate for the three of us and then Stephanie and I had stuffed grape leaves and Marsha had an eggplant dip. Tomorrow Stephanie heads to the airport to fly home and Marsha and I head to Patras, Greece to catch the overnight ferry to Italy. Tomorrow will be a long travel day for all of us.

4 thoughts on “Athens – Day 6

  1. Joseph Ellmer

    I missed a few days, but you guys didn’t. The tour of the ancient greek ruins must have been exciting.

  2. Laurie

    Hi Barb:
    Well we made it home from vacation without any broken bones!! Exciting. Had a fabulous time and saw tons of wildlife. Did lots of hiking and every time my feet hurt I thought of you girls. I couldn’t keep up with your travels because we were without internet or cell service much of the time. When I left you were in Romania and since have been all over Greece. The pictures of the salads with Feta cheese look delicious. I LOVE Feta cheese. We ate very very well on vacation. We made it to the Eastern European restaurant and I had “Vareniki” which turned out to be just like Perogies. Delicious. Gary had “Thracian clay pot”. It was peppers, onions, tomatoes, sausage, cheese and an egg baked in a clay pot in the oven. Also good. I read your travels and sounds very exciting and like your still having fun. Keep on enjoying and I’ll talk again soon.

  3. Steven ellmer

    Wow! Greece looks fantastic! How is the economy there? From what we get in the news back here grrece is worse off than any other country. Still, it looks like your having a great time.

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