
We got up and headed to the bus station for the over an hour ride to Chicago. We went to our hotel which was located in the center of the city. Our room wasn’t ready so we checked our luggage and headed out sightseeing. We bought 2 day tickets for the hop-on hop-off bus.

We went first to the Adler Planetarium. It is a great place but time is always short when there is so much to see. There is a great view of the Chicago skyline from the front of the planetarium.

Adler Planetarium

Next we went to the park that contains many landmarks. First was the Bean a large reflective metal structure where you can take pictures being reflected by the Bean.

The above picture is the center of the Bean and below are pictures taken of the reflections in the Bean.

Then Marsha and I walked to Buckingham Fountain with beautiful sights along the wa.

Below are pictures of Buckingham Fountain. It also goes a water show for 20 minutes and is lit with a rainbow of colors at night.

We boarded the bus and went to a different section of the city. The streets have various forms of artwork that is really neat. Below is a pic of one.

Of course we drove by Soldier Field.

And of course the day would not be complete without pictures of Chicago at night.

Then back to the hotel so we can do more touristing tomorrow.