We left for the train station about 9:30 so we could catch our connecting train at 3 pm. The trains from Nice heading east have really been a problem lately. We wound up spending approx 5 hours in the train station waiting for our connecting train. There were no seats except in the cafeteria and we had to order something so we could sit there. See pic. It was the cheapest items on the menu. We finally got to our hotel about 7:30pm and went to check out how long it would take us to get to the place that houses “The Last Supper”. We have tickets to see the painting at 8:45 am. We ate at a tourist restaurant by the Dome(church)- the only pic I took was of the bruschetta. There are pics of the church and the La Scala opera house. It is now after 11 and we leave Milan tomorrow afternoon.
I hope the rest of your traveling is easier.